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Basic M1 Helmet Front

Basic M1 Helmet Left Side

Basic M1 Helmet Rear

Basic M1 Helmet Right Side


     The helmets used during the Vietnam war were M1 helmets. M1 helmets were also in use during World War II and the Korean War, and as a result, a large portion of the helmets used in Vietnam were surplus helmets. The M1 model helmet had four main components: the helmet shell, the helmet liner, helmet cover, and any necessary straps. Straps would vary depending upon the user, for example a paratrooper's helmet had a different chinstrap than that of a marine.

The Helmet Shell:

     The protective portion of the entire helmet setup. Heavy and made from steel, it would be utilized in many other ways. One such way was boiling water.

The Liner:

     The liner of the helmet was made of a light plastic-feeling material, and made to fit within the helmet shell. Within the liner there is a headband, which can be adjusted to fit the wearer.

The Cover:

     The helmet cover was available in a variety of camouflages, and could be switched out in case a new cover was needed. Covers used during the Vietnam War would include the popular Mitchell cover (pictured to the right), a completely Olive-Drab colored cover (used more by marines earlier in the war), and a tiger-stripe cover (used more often by special forces). On the cover there are several eyelets, in which sticks can be places to add camouflage  The helmet cover was often times graffitied with writing, drawings, or calendars to keep track of how long a soldier has been in-country.


     Straps connected to the buckles on the shell were used to secure the helmet on the user. Chin straps varied on helmets, and more often then not the straps were left unbuckled.

Helmet Band:

     The helmet band was created to originally hold onto twigs or leaves to further camouflage the helmet. During the war it was more often used to hold onto frequently used items, like bug-juice (bug-repellant), bandages, rifle magazines, lighters, cigarettes, matches, playing cards, death-cards, and a variety of other items.


Arques, Antonio. "Decorated Training Camp Helmet Liners." Grunt: A Pictorial
     Report on the US Infantry's Gear and Life during the Vietnam War 1965-1975,
     by Arques, Madrid, Andrea Press, 2014, pp. 41-43.

---. "Helmet Covers." Grunt: A Pictorial Report on the US Infantry's Gear and
     Life during the Vietnam War 1965-1975, by Arques, Madrid, Andrea Press,
     2014, pp. 37-41.

---. "Helmet Liner." Grunt: A Pictorial Report on the US Infantry's Gear and
     Life during the Vietnam War 1965-1975, by Arques, Madrid, Andrea Press,
     2014, pp. 28-33.

---. "Helmet Shell." Grunt: A Pictorial Report on the US Infantry's Gear and
     Life during the Vietnam War 1965-1975, by Arques, Madrid, Andrea Press,
     2014, pp. 34-36.

---. "M1 Helmet." Grunt: A Pictorial Report on the US Infantry's Gear and Life
     during the Vietnam War 1965-1975, by Arques, Madrid, Andrea Press, 2014, p.

Example of helmet cover art


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